A shout-out of thanksgiving to God!

I cannot put in to words the joy I feel in my heart when I end a counseling session with the counselee and myself rejoicing together in God for His healing truth! It is joy unspeakable and full of glory! God understands the feelings of our infirmities and He meets us at the level of hurting and raises our hearts to rejoicing through His truth! He transforms people by renewing their minds with His truth! When we know the truth, the truth shall set us free!

God has blessed me with a unique ministry of providing counseling nationwide by phone and Skype. Weekly, I witness God’s healing power through His Word. Most of the people I counsel have been saved for several years – pastors and wives, men and women who come from all types of painful experiences in life including addictions.

Before each counseling session, I pray a short prayer of thanksgiving to God and then always ask specifically for His guidance and wisdom in that time of sharing. We witness daily how God brings out a specific truth that is needed at that moment that speaks hope and healing into the hurting heart. The counselee and I together rejoice and can feel God’s presence through the phone or on Skype.

At the end of each session, I pray a prayer of thanks to God for His wisdom and meeting us in that hour. Many times when I hang up the phone at the end of the session, I am in tears of praise and thanksgiving to God for His wisdom that was revealed about a particular situation. Yes, I have formal education in God-based counseling, but it is God’s truth and wisdom that I need to speak into the hurting hearts. We have ‘God-moments’ in counseling sessions that we both recognize.

God says we are transformed by renewing our mind. A hurting person can have distorted thinking about their situation because the devil’s tool is twisting truth to into his lies. The battle is in the mind. Through God’s Word and His Spirit, we can have the mind of Christ.

I use cognitive behavioral therapy: cognitive is our thinking, behavioral is how we act or behave and the therapy I use is the Word of God. With God’s Word as the therapy, our thinking will align with God and our behavior will be God-like. I hear on a consistent basis from the counselees thanksgiving to God for someone with the Holy Ghost that is available to help others through God’s Word.

Through God’s wisdom I counsel porn addiction recovery, healing for damaged emotions from all types of abuse, spiritual abuse recovery, marital and parental counseling, helping teens with sexual purity issues, abandonment in childhood, divorce recovery, pastoral trauma, sexual addiction recovery, life’s adversities, grief processing, premarital counseling, spiritual-emotional-relational counseling, etc. I pray for God’s wisdom daily.

I’ve counseled thousands of people in 23 years. The first ten years of my Certified Pastoral Counseling was for Pastor Kenneth Haney at Christian Life Center at Stockton, CA. Six of those years I taught at Christian Life College under Dr. Daniel Segraves. In 2004, the Lord opened a door for me to write a monthly column for the magazine, Perspectives, published by Indiana Bible College. People started calling me nationwide asking for counseling. Now 98% of my counseling is nationwide for pastors and lay people.

I schedule counseling Mondays through Thursdays from 1 PM – 10PM Central Standard Time (CST). I receive new calls weekly requesting counseling nationwide. I ask for a ministry offering that is half of what most counselors charge. I have people who schedule counseling weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. We counsel by phone and/or Skype. Skype is a free download. Many people love counseling through Skype – face to face.

Teaching from God’s Word is another ministry God has given me. I’ve had the Holy Ghost 60 years – teaching God’s Word for 50 years – counseling for 23 years – married to ordained retired minister, Harold Clemans, for 45 years – raised two children who love God with their spouses and blessed with three grandchildren. I travel and teach for churches and conferences for spiritual, emotional and relational growth. God’s Word has the answers for us to be holy as He is holy. I teach from the Bible God’s healing for hurting people. I teach for singles conferences also.

I thank God for being a conduit of His truth for His glory! The devil hates what I do in ministry and has created much adversity to try to shake our faith, but God gives strength, wisdom and guidance in the midst of the storm. Jesus is coming soon and the devil knows his end and he is angry! But greater is He that is within me than he that is within this world! It is my delight to minister God’s truth through teaching, counseling and writing.

I have over 200+ articles on my website: www.carolclemans.org – bio, teaching CD’s, DVD’s, book: God’s Design for Marriage that was written from my marriage seminars. Call (636) 448-0121 to schedule speaking or counseling.

Facebook: Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3) & Carol Theobald Clemans

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www.ladiesministries.org – write for HOPE section.

Carol Clemans – In His service for His glory!



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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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