Are You Saved but Lonely & Hurting?

(Teaching and counseling nationwide for spiritual, emotional and relational growth & healing for churches, conferences and individuals – (636) 448-0121).

Many things can happen in life that create deep emotional pain: broken family relationships, verbal-emotional-physical and sexual abuse, abandonment, divorce, sickness, death, financial losses, failed dreams, addictions, etc.

The devil takes anything negative in life and whips us emotionally with distorted thoughts and feelings about life. We can feel helpless, hopeless, unlovable, unworthy – on and on he goes with his lies! He’s determined to steal the joy of the Lord from the heart!

With God all things are possible! Healing happens by changing the way we think through God’s truth about our life’s situation! The healing starts with the words of our tongue – death & life are in the power of the tongue. When we start speaking God’s healing truth, it changes our spiritual heart and our physical brain. (Brain scientists agree that our positive and power thinking affects the growth and renewal of the brain).

God made us body, soul and spirit. We must allow God’s thoughts to become our thoughts that will change our feelings and give us courage to follow godly actions that will change our lives.

I provide God-based counseling nationwide by phone/Skype. I’ve been counseling for 22 1/2 years asking for God’s wisdom daily adding to my counseling education. God meets us in the middle of the mess. As we talk through the events of life, God leads us into His truth and brings hope and healing! We are transformed by renewing our minds with God’s Word – Romans 12: 1 & 2.

Try one session – ministry offering – less than half what other counselors request. Call (636) 448-0121 – I will answer your questions.

Check out over 120 free articles on my website: – bio, teaching CD’s, DVD’s, book: “God’s Design for Marriage.”

(c) Carol Clemans – January 2015

CAROL CLEMANS – Life Enrichment Ministries
Counseling | Seminars | Writing

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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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