Counseling for Spiritual & Emotional Healing

My ministry of teaching, counseling and writing is from the Word of God. We can be saved but be deeply wounded from things in the past such as any type of abuse, broken relationships, grief, etc., to current issues in life that are painful experiences. Isaiah 61 is the prophecy about Jesus coming as Savior, but it also says to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. Salvation erases our sin, but not memories or emotions. God wants you to be set free from your ‘stinkin thinkin.’

God-based counseling is looking at the facts of life and processing them through the Word of God. The devil has a devious way of taking the pain of life and creating distorted thinking. Satan’s lies are – you are unlovable, unworthy, useless, hopeless, helpless, life is never going to change – he wants you to believe these lies as your truth.  God’s truth says you do not have to allow past painful experiences to define who you are now in Christ Jesus. God’s truth is the healer of pornography addictions also. It takes a committed heart to God that is determined to change by the power of the Holy Ghost. There is a process of learning how to rewire the heart and brain from the clutches of this addiction through God.

Romans 12:2 tells us we can be ‘transformed by renewing our minds!’ My confidential counseling is based on helping the emotionally wounded to renew their minds with God’s truth. I share how to not allow painful people and experiences to take up permanent residence in the mind and heart.  As a man thinks in his heart so is he. I allow people to share their emotions and then ask the question, “What is God’s truth about this?”

I counsel pastors as well as lay people. If you are dealing with a problem with self or your marriage, call me (636) 448-0121 and I will explain the process. I also teach the anointed Word of God for churches/conferences. People are sitting in our church pews with the Holy Ghost, but hurting.  The church must become equipped to become healing helpers. Prayer has a major role in healing. But if a person receives no help and direction how to change their distorted thinking, they can pray and pray for years without victory because they have not been transformed by renewing their minds with God’s truth.

If you are a ministry leader and would like a free DVD of my teaching, please call me. I have a DVD entitled, “Jesus, the Healer of Our Brokenness.” Fifty years of teaching God’s Word, plus my counseling education that was integrated through the Word of God and 22 years as a counselor is the foundation for my teaching, counseling and writing using God’s wisdom. I’m accountable to God for every word I share.

Weekly, more and more people are calling me for counseling.  They will tell me after the first counseling session, “You are the first person that I’ve talked to that understands my feelings.” Then I share with them how God wants to change their painful thinking with His truth.  It’s amazing the healing process that takes place when God’s truth is explained in a way that they can grasp spiritually and emotionally and apply it to their hurting hearts.

When people are emotionally hurting, they struggle with accepting God’s unconditional love even though they have the Holy Ghost.  God’s love and acceptance of us is not based on our performance. Our worth and value comes from God alone as our creator who became our Savior.  Satan’s lie is your performance equals acceptance and approval  – again this is Satan’s lie.  He is the father of lies and all liars will go to the lake of fire.  The devil’s only weapon against us is his lies.  My counseling and teaching is from God’s truth and will wipe out every lie of Satan.

Many people in the church ‘frown on’ counseling. They will say, “All you need is God. Just pray and give it to Jesus.”  This is spoken out of ignorance.  YES, we need the Lord in salvation, but we also need to know how to apply His truth to our lives.  When people become wounded or sick in the flesh, most do not know how to doctor self. So they go to a medical doctor who has been trained in how to take care of the human body.

If we are emotionally wounded, it affects us in body, soul and spirit. We need someone who has the Biblical knowledge to share with us to help us heal and grow up into Him – Ephesians 4:15. Psychology comes from the root word psyche logos that means the study of the soul. I can teach and counsel from Genesis to Revelations about the soul.  In the beginning – God created man and breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul.

Emotional wounds affect the soul and the body. Brain scientists say that a high percentage of sicknesses are caused by the way people think. God’s Word says we can be transformed by renewing our mind. Negative thoughts and words create blackness in the brain. Positive thoughts and words make the brain light up.  God said that life and death are in the power of the tongue. He is the great Counselor, Mighty God and Prince of Peace!

If a person is stuck in their distorted thinking because of emotional wounds, they need help to seek God’s truth in replacing their distorted thinking. This is why I sought Biblical counseling education.  I had a good understanding of the scriptures. I had been studying and teaching the Bible for many years, but I did not know how to help the emotionally wounded.  My education taught me how to use the Word of God in a spiritual and emotional process to help change the negative feelings through the power of God’s truth.

My counseling ministry is done in confidentiality so I cannot share people’s testimonies by name. But I have pastors that I counsel and lay people say to me over and over, “Where were you 20 years ago? We need someone like you in all our churches.” That is why I encourage everyone who has a heart for ministry to get some Bible based education in the counseling realm.

With the wisdom of God and my accountability to Him, I can speak this as truth because of my 68 years of life’s experience in all phases of ministry. When Bishop Kenneth Haney brought me on staff part/time @ CLC in Stockton, California, as a certified pastoral counselor for the last 10 years he was pastor, he said, “If most pastors would admit it, they do not have the skills to help people with emotional and relational issues.” This does not take away from their Biblical knowledge. Bishop Haney said to me more than once, “I’m not sure how you are doing it, but I see in the people how your counseling has greatly helped them.” (CLC had 1,500 – 2,000 members).

I had the Biblical knowledge, but I had to be educated on how to apply scripture to emotionally wounded people who were saved but still hurting.  I also taught six years at Christian Life College under Dr. Daniel Segraves, one of the subjects being Principles of Counseling. My husband, ordained minister, Harold Clemans, is a witness to how the counseling education deepened my ability to touch hurting hearts with God’s truth through teaching and counseling.

As you may realize through this article, this ministry is my heartbeat. I live it night and day.  I counsel afternoons and evenings Monday – Thursday to accommodate the requests coming in for nationwide counseling. I speak at churches and conferences teaching what I have learned in how to help hurting hearts.

Churches are made up of people – people create families. After salvation, they need help based on the Word of God how to have healthy marriages, godly parenting, sexual purity for all ages, living holy as he is holy, etc. I teach God’s Word because it has the answers and wisdom for all of life’s experiences.

Go to my website: for bio, 55+ articles, teaching CD’s and DVD’s plus book: God’s Design for Marriage. Call me and I’ll answer any question you may have – (636) 448-0121.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!

(c) Carol Clemans – April 2014


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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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