God’s Ministry of Teaching, Counseling and Writing for His Glory!

It’s interesting how some people ‘frown’ on having a counselor, but the Proverbs are full of scriptures about wise counselors.The thousands of people that I have counseled in the last 22 years rejoice because they have a counselor who is Holy Ghost filled with a God-based education in counseling and provides it in confidentiality between God and us.

Some people are afraid of the phrase – cognitive behavioral therapy! There is nothing to fear: cognitive means your thinking processes, behavior is your actions, and the therapy I use is the Word of God. I’m asking this question constantly, “What is God’s truth?” Roms 12:1 – we are transformed by renewing our minds – with God’s truth!!!

The Word of God is the foundation of my teaching, counseling and writing – teaching for over fifty years and counseling for 22 years.

I provide counseling for pastors across America. A pastor told me this week through a Skype session, “I can help people spiritually, but I do not have the understanding and education to know how to help them with emotional and relational healing.” This pastor sees the evidence of healing through counseling in the people he has referred to me. He is willing to allow the church to help provide counseling for those who cannot afford my minimal fee and allow those who have the funds to pay for their counseling.

The above pastor’s statement is what Pastor Kenneth Haney told me 22 years ago when he brought me on staff part time at Christian Life Center to counsel. I counseled for CLC ten years and taught at Christian Life College under Dr. Dan Segraves for six years – one of six classes being “Principles of Counseling.” Pastor Haney would tell me, “I don’t know what you are doing, but I see how you are helping the people by the change in their lives.”

My heartbeat is to help pastors and leaders to become better equipped to be healing helpers through teaching, counseling and writing. I’m thankful for the pastors who value the ministry God has given to me. The open doors of teaching and counseling nationwide are a great blessing.

I’m excited about setting up teaching sessions through Skype to a church that I’m counseling for the pastor. I can teach live, have Q & A time and the cost to the church is a ministry offering without having to pay the expense for travel/housing, etc. Thank God for the Internet that can used for His glory! I also travel and teach in person for churches/conferences.

Pastors and ministry leaders, if you desire a free sample of my teaching, call me and I will send you a DVD – “Jesus, the Healer of Our Brokenness.”

If anyone desires counseling, call (636) 448-0121 and I will explain the process. I encourage at least one session. No one in 22 years has stopped counseling after one session. The counseling can be scheduled weekly, by weekly, monthly – what ever fits in the person’s budget and schedule.

I’m 68 years young and celebrated my 59th year of being baptized with the Holy Ghost on April 15, 2014. I’m married to an ordained minister and we are in our 44th year of life together. We have two grown children, both married, two wonderful grands – all loving and serving God.

Retirement is not in my future. I will minister in the gift that God has equipped me for as long as I have health and strength. I will be teaching, counseling and writing to help people grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally – all for His glory!

Email: carol@carolclemans.orgwww.carolclemans.org. I have teaching CD’s, DVD’s and book: God’s Design for Marriage available through my website. I teach for churches and conferences. I give marriage seminars, sexual purity for all ages seminars, healing for damaged emotions, teach for spiritual, emotional and relational growth – Ephs. 4: 15 – ‘grow up into Him.’

© Carol Clemans – May 2014






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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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