God’s Plans do Prevail!

Almost daily, I post the Proverbs of the day on my ministry and personal facebook pages (Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. & Carol Theobald Clemans). Each time I do, there are certain verses in the chapter that speak out to me. Today (2/21/15), it was the following: Proverbs 21:30 NLT –  “No human wisdom or understanding or plan
 can stand against the Lord.”

I have been blessed in my 23 years as a Certified Pastoral Counselor (local & nationwide by phone/Skype) to have the support of the ministry leaders around me, my board of directors, my family and the people that I teach and counsel. I only know of a few (less than 5) who have directly to my face, or through written word, or talking behind my back that have been against the ministry that God has given me including teaching God’s Word for over 50 years. I’m very thankful for this.

God receives all the glory in everything I do. I’m just a conduit for God to use to touch hearts with His healing Word for spiritual, emotional and relational growth through teaching, counseling and writing.

Allow this scripture to be of encouragement to you in all you do as unto the Lord (everyone ministers to others). Do not allow what others say or do destroy your faith and confidence in God’s plan for you! He promises us through this scripture that no human wisdom or plan can stand against the Lord. Psalms 139 states that God has written out the plan for all the days of my life. No human can thwart or stop God’s plan for me or you.

Another person through wrong decisions, actions or words may create a delay or a different route for you, but God’s ultimate plan for you cannot be changed by anyone. Jesus told the disciples to shake the dust of the city off their feet and leave the city if the people did not accept God’s truth, but that did not change the mandate of preaching the gospel. They just went to another city.

Proverbs 21, verse 2 says, “Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart.” God lets us know through His Word that He searches and tests the heart. He looks at the motives behind our words and actions. We all are accountable to Him for every word we speak. Nothing is hidden from Him even when done in secret. His Word promises that things done in secret will be revealed openly in His timing. Be sure your sin will find you out. (Numbers 32:23).

Psalms 139: 23 & 24 – NKJ – “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way ever- lasting.” I pray daily for God to do exploratory surgery of my heart. I want a clean heart and right spirit even toward my naysayers!

If God be for us, who can be against us? Oh, yes, others can be against us, but God’s plans will prevail! People usually speak against someone else out of jealousy, fear, ignorance or their own damaged emotions. Since I know that, I refuse to allow their words or actions to penetrate my soul. I ‘visually’ hold up my shield of faith and when the arrows of destruction come, they ping against the shield of faith and drop to the ground without penetrating my faith and confidence in God. Yes, I pray and talk to God about the situation, but refuse to allow other people’s sinfulness to get my eyes off God and His plan for my life. We are to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith! No one else controls my destiny with God!

I’ve heard it said over pulpits, “You don’t need to go to a counselor. God is the counselor!” I fully agree, God is WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, the EVERLASTING FATHER and THE PRINCE OF PEACE. But God says in His Word, “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.”

Even in the day of Moses, people coming to him for counsel overwhelmed him. His father-in-law, Jethro, told him to divide the people in groups of 1,000, 100, 50 and 10 and set wise leaders over each group to help ease the strain of Moses helping God’s people. Moses was also instructed to teach and instruct all in the ways of God, but use wise help for the people’s problems. God did not tell Moses, “Moses, just tell all these troubled people to pray and it will solve their problems.” Prayer is a major part of our walk with God, but we are transformed by renewing our minds with His Word! (Romans 12: 1 & 2).

It’s God truth that sets us free. I encourage the people I counsel to record our sessions for their benefit. Many times, we have what I call ‘God moments’ when God gives specific insights that only come from God. The counselee recognizes those times too. Every word I speak comes from the wisdom of God’s Word and my understanding of how people can allow the painful events of their lives stand in the way of victory in God.

God tells us in the multitude of counselors there is safety. It thrills me when a counselee tells me that what I’m sharing with them is confirmation because of what another godly person has spoken in to their life. I’m not ‘all wise.’ I totally rely on God and pray daily for His wisdom. I know that every Word I speak or write will pass through God’s judgment. I want everything I teach or say to be recorded. I’m not afraid to stand for God’s truth.

Even when the devil comes against us with adversity, God’s plans for us cannot be stopped. The plans may be interrupted, but GOD IS IN CONTROL! Just stay faithful to God! This is another way to understand how God can work good out of all terrible things that happen in life. When HE gives you strength to survive the adversity, that is working it out for good. God is faithful!

This brings and old song to mind, “Be not dismayed what ere’ betide, God will take care of you.” Remember, “No human wisdom or understanding or plan
 can stand against the Lord.” Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth still marches on!

© Carol Clemans – February 2015

Carol provides nationwide counseling by phone/Skype (636) 448-0121. Her heartbeat is teaching God’s truth for churches/conferences. Go to: www.carolclemans.org for bio, 130+ articles, teaching CD’s & DVD’s, book: “God’s Design for Marriage.” Revs. Harold & Carol Clemans’ pastor is Jerry Dillon, Madison, MS. Email: carol@caroclemans.org.







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Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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