In my counseling for 28 years, many people have shared their brokenness because the mother was unloving, abusive, or absent. Others were brokenhearted because they could not become a mother.
Most mother’s parent the way they were parented. This could be out of a loving heart or out of a hurting heart from their own childhood.
If you are one that had an unloving mother, please understand how much God loves you. God created you in your mother’s womb – PSM 139. He designed every part of you and knew when you were going to come to a loving relationship with Him through salvation. God’s truth heals the brokenhearted.
If you are a woman who is not a birth mother for whatever reason, I believe every God-fearing woman has a mother’s heart. You have the ability to ‘mother’ others who are hurting. Look around your sphere of influence for someone you could encourage and love. Single mothers would always appreciate a loving woman who would love and nurture their children for godliness as a support system.
For those of us who have or had loving mothers, be thankful and loving toward them while they are alive. I thank God for my loving, prayer warrior, God-loving mother. She sacrificed many things to make our lives fulfilling. She was a home engineer. She created a warm loving atmosphere. She was always supportive of my pastor-father. I am thankful for a mother who loved God and loved her children. She was a widow for 12 years. In her honor, as long as she had a phone, I called her nightly for a short conversation. We included her in our lives on a consistent basis.
My hubby and I are now the ‘elders’ of our families. We appreciate deeply any and all efforts our children make to call or visit us.
Elder years can be lonely for many as adult children and grandchildren are busy with their jobs, family, etc. If the Lord tarries, all of us will become the elders. Please take the time to show love to your elders through contacting or visiting.
If there is a woman in your life who was childless but she reached out and loved and encouraged you, please reach out with a loving thankful spirit to her this Mother’s Day weekend.
I pray every God-loving woman feels God’s love every day. Be determined to be an encourager to all. The world will know us by our love one for another!
