Our churches nationwide have many people that are saved but hurting spiritually, emotionally and relationally. The Lord removes our sins at salvation, but He does
Depression – feelings of severe despondency and dejection: self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression. A mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of
I’ve been a Certified Pastoral Counselor for over 25 years. All problems create toxic thinking. The devil delights in turning every situation toxic. Satan tries
“COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS!” Have you been baptized in Jesus name? Have you received the gift of the Holy Ghost? We must be born again
What way are you on? Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life! Within the Body of
UPDATE: I wrote this article about two years ago. Today 11/15/2017, I heard a program on AFR talking about the millennia’s of today. They call
How you act in the home reveals your true character! I’ve been teaching God’s Word over 50 years and He commands us to be holy
Life Enrichment Ministries Inc. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org – carol@carolclemans.org – (636) 448-0121 NOTE FROM COUNSELOR: You may look around you and it seems others are living