Parents! Are your children rapture ready?
I just finished watching a video of a Mormon missionary at 19 years old that was challenged by a preacher to start reading God’s Word
I just finished watching a video of a Mormon missionary at 19 years old that was challenged by a preacher to start reading God’s Word
FROM THE HEART OF THIS COUNSELOR: I’m counseling people daily nationwide that have a salvation experience with God but they have deep wounds from their
THIS IS GOD’S TRUTH FOR SALVATION! WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? He was God manifest in the flesh! There is one God the Creator! God is
IS THE BIBLE YOUR DAILY SOURCE OF WISDOM? IS YOUR HEART READY FOR JESUS TO COME? Daily I minister through teaching/counseling nationwide to help people
Do you have a relationship with church or with God? This may seem like a foolish question – allow me to explain. For 26 years
FROM THE HEART OF THIS BIBLE TEACHER/COUNSELOR: I counsel nationwide pastors and lay people. My heart aches when I talk to youth that have been
Life Enrichment Ministries Inc. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org – carol@carolclemans.org – (636) 448-0121 Proverbs 26 11 “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats
ATTENTION! PORN ADDICTED MEN! The church must become equipped in how to help the person addicted to pornography! The recovery process is much more successful