Proverbs 24
3 A house is built by wisdom
and becomes strong through good sense.
4 Through knowledge its rooms are filled
with all sorts of precious riches and valuables.
5 The wise are mightier than the strong,[a]
and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger.
What are you building your house upon?
If single, what do others see in your daily character? Can you say, “Follow me as I follow Christ?”
Are you sharing God’s wisdom daily with your family?
Do your children know that God is the uppermost important factor in your life?
Do your children see you reading the Bible?
Do your children hear you pray and seek God’s wisdom?
Are you reflecting the glory of the Lord in your body and spirit – your attitude?
Jesus may return in the heavens for His Bride any moment!
Are you and your family ready? Has everyone received their salvation experience – Acts 2:39?
Take ownership of God’s abounding love for you – God fully loves, fully accepts, and fully forgives you!
You are God’s Special Treasure!
Do not allow your past to define who you are today in God!
Are you living holy as He is holy – holiness of the heart?
Are you protecting your eye and ear gate from evil, wicked or worthless things? (Psm 101).
“Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”
Watch 100+ teaching videos on Carol Clemans Youtube channel. Holy Ghost Bible counseling by phone nationwide (636) 448-0121. Anointed teaching of God’s Word for spiritual, emotional and relational growth nationwide for churches/conferences. Min. ref: Pastor Daniel Batchelor, Dupo IL.