Are we teaching our children & youth God’s Word?


This morning I was listening to a program on AFR – discussing the fact that youth in churches are not grounded in what they believe from the Bible.

How many of our churches are specifically teaching our young people about the true doctrine in the Bible of One God manifest in the flesh as Jesus Christ?

How many of our young people with the Holy Ghost know how to tell someone how to be saved? Do they know how to prove through scripture that there is only one God?

How many of our children going to our Sunday Schools know the need to repent, baptism in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Ghost is essential to salvation?

A few years ago, Charisma magazine did a survey across churches in America who had growing youth groups. They asked the question, “Why is your youth group growing?” The answer was because THEY WERE TEACHING THE WORD OF GOD CONSISTENTLY TO THEIR YOUTH! They said specifically that it was not because of programs, it was the teaching of the Word of God.

This agrees with psalmist who said, “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.”

In my travels of teaching the Word of God, I find when you provide teaching filled with scriptures and implant the Word of God into hearts of people, they ‘eat it up’ and always want more!

Our children and youth need to be taught about God’s unconditional love. They need to understand their value to God. They need to hear God’s design for sexual purity until marriage and the consequences of sexual sins to their hearts, souls and bodies.


What is the church doing today to implant the WORD OF GOD into the hearts of our children and youth?

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!

WE ALL ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD! – (636) 448-0121 –

NOTE: Carol Clemans – read entire bio on website. Here is a brief bio: Holy Ghost for 60 years. Teaching Word of God for 50 years. Certified Pastoral Counselor and Christian Life Coach for 23 years. Married to Rev. Harold Clemans for 45 years. Raised two children living for God. MieMie of three grandchildren.

LOVE to teach the Word of God for spiritual, emotional and relational growth.  Can benefit a church in teaching: healing for damaged emotions, recovery from any type of abuse – sexual, etc., sexual purity for all ages, living holy as He is holy, pre-marital/marriage seminars, parenting seminars, becoming healing helpers, helping young people know their value in God’s sight for making right choices in their lives, helping singles of all ages and statuses to become mature in God’s Word regarding their life choices.

We are to do everything we do to the glory of God!!!!! All ages must understand how to have an intimate relationship with God – living in a God-conscious state of mind – having daily dialogue with God through every facet of life – being Holy Ghost controlled.

Please call (636) 448-0121 to discuss nationwide counseling by phone/Skype or to schedule teaching for your church. All of the above is my daily heartbeat!

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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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