Are you having family talk time daily?


Friday evening we had our two grands with us (almost 10 & 14). They played outside for a while. Came inside and got on their cell phones. After a little while, I challenged them to turn off their cell phones and let’s talk. One said, “About what?”

Before the evening was over the conversation started with what was happening at their schools and then led to God. They started asking questions – and I shared with them about what is happening in the world, the soon return of Jesus for His Bride, God’s plan through the 7 years of tribulation, the 1,000 years of peace – etc. They were shocked that the time went by so fast.

I challenge parents and grandparents to NOT allow the iphones, ipads, computers, DVD’s, etc. reign in the home and consume all the family time together.

A family can relax and become closer by inviting God into a conversation about life. Deut. 6 tells parents to talk about God when you get up in the morning, walk along the way, sit down and go to bed. I told my grands that learning about God and knowing Him in salvation was the most important thing in life!!!


THEY WILL LEARN BY YOUR EXAMPLE! – bio, over 200+ articles, teaching CD’s, DVD’s, book: GOD’S DESIGN FOR MARRIAGE.

NOTE: I provide God-based counseling nationwide by phone/Skype – (636) 448-0121. I also love teaching for churches/conferences for healing and growth spiritually, emotionally and relationally. Call above number – I will answer any questions about my ministry.

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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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