God’s Truth Heals

It is God’s rewarding joy to see people ‘transformed by renewing their mind’ with God’s truth. God has given me the nationwide anointed ministry of teaching for churches, ladies conferences and counseling by phone/Skype. The counseling is God-based and in complete confidentiality.

We’ve been in all phases of ministry plus 50 years teaching God’s Word that includes 22 years as a Certified Pastoral Counselor. I counsel pastors and lay people. Pastors call me for counseling advice regarding issues in their churches. God’s wisdom gained through His Word, education, teaching @CLC six years and 22 years in the trenches with the hurting people makes a unique repertoire for my ministry of helping others heal and grow in God.

Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. is a 501c3. Pastor Daniel Batchelor of Dupo, IL and Supt. of UPCI Education Division is on my board of directors. I counsel and teach from God’s Word on marriage/family/sexual abuse recovery/porn addiction recovery/singles’ issues/grief recovery/healing for damaged emotions/spiritual-emotional-relational growth, etc. Isaiah 61–Jesus bringing good news of salvation, to bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free of their ‘stinkin-thinkin.’

Romans 12: 1&2 – “be transformed by renewing your mind.” Ephesians 4:23 –“and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” With God’s truth, I help people exchange toxic thinking with God’s thinking! It’s amazing to witness the hurting heart become a healed heart in the power of His Spirit!

Ministry leaders, call me (636) 448-0121. I will send you a free DVD of my God-based teaching. I will explain to anyone the low-cost counseling process. Go to: www.carolclemans.org, for bio, 80+ articles, teaching CD’s, DVD’s, book: “God’s Design for Marriage.” Email: carol@carolclemans.org.

Carol Clemans’ heartbeat is sharing God’s truth through anointed teaching/counseling and writing. She and husband, Rev. Harold Clemans, currently live in Madison, MS. Bishop Jerry Dillon is their pastor. Call with questions: (636) 448-0121.



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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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