Mission Statement – Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3)


Carol P. Clemans, Certified Pastoral Counselor, anointed Bible teacher/speaker and Christian Life Coach.



(636) 448-0121

Mission Statement:

Through teaching, counseling and writing God’s truth, it is the heartbeat of this ministry to help hurting people grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally. (We are to grow up into Him – Ephesians 4:15.)

God came in the flesh to bring salvation and to heal the broken-hearted, bind up the wounded and set the captives free. His truth replaces mourning with joy. (Isaiah 61).

Romans 12: 1 & 2 is a core scripture of this ministry – “but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

Salvation removes our sins, but it does not remove memories, experiences or emotions. Our church pews are full of hurting people including people in ministry. Their hurts come from all types of abusive life experiences, addictions, divorces, abandonment, and major parental dysfunctions in childhood that can deeply affect them in their adult life.

Satan takes painful life experiences and plants negative thinking in the heart and mind. The feelings of being helpless, hopeless, unworthy, unlovable, useless – healing comes through replacing the devil’s lies with God’s truth. When we know God’s truth, we can be set free.

The hurting person must know that God fully loves them, fully accepts them and fully forgives. Romans 8: 1 & 2 is another key truth that must be shared – in Christ Jesus there is now no condemnation. Prayer and God’s truth is the road to spiritual, emotional and relational growth and healing.

Ministry history:

Since graduating from THE INSTITUTE OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING in 1992 (two-year fully accredited course), the Lord has allowed me to teach and counsel His truth with much greater understanding how to apply His truth to hurting hearts. I provided this pastoral counseling ministry for Pastor Kenneth Haney for ten years at Christian Life Center, Stockton, CA. I taught six years at Christian Life College – six subjects including “Principles of Counseling” under Dr. Daniel Segraves.

I received the Holy Ghost in 1955. I’ve been teaching the anointed Word of God for over 50 years. I love sharing God’s truth through teaching, counseling and writing helping saved but hurting people become saved and healed so they can love God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength for His glory!

Because of my writing a column in the PERSPECTIVES published by Indiana Bible College since 2004, I started receiving calls nationwide asking me to counsel. I’ve been providing counseling nationwide by phone/Skype for pastors and lay people since 2004 – total of 23 years of counseling. Pastors and others call me because of the confidentiality of the counseling by phone and that I integrate God’s Word with counseling principles.

Pastors and many others call for counseling because they have a pornography addiction – most started in early childhood with sexual abuse and then exposure to porn. (I have an article posted on www.carolclemans.org: “Pornography: Destroys Families, Marriages and Ministries”).

I counsel in the following areas: healing for damaged emotions because of porn addiction, pre-marital, marital problems, parenting issues, sexual abuse recovery, homosexual tendencies, childhood abandonment, anger management, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, singles – sexual purity, adultery, fornication, anxiety attacks, grief recovery, divorce recovery plus many other issues.

I do provide local counseling in my home office in Madison, MS. Now 98% of my counseling is nationwide by phone and Skype. I also teach on all of these subjects from the Word of God for churches and conferences. Pastor Daniel Batchelor of Dupo, Illinois, is on my Board of Directors for Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3).

I co-counsel nationwide with pastors in their office through Skype. Every pastor that I co-counsel with tell me they are learning and are taking notes. This is always by request or with the permission of the people we are counseling together.

A special need that I have been praying for is God to provide funding to my ministry for a home/counseling retreat where we could invite ministry families in times of crisis for intense counseling for parts of 3 days. Home/facility would need a ‘mother-in-law’ type separate quarters to give them and us privacy in between the counseling times during those three days.

My website: www.carolclemans.org has 215+ articles posted on several subjects that I counsel. I have teaching CD’s, DVD’s and book: God’s Design for Marriage. As funds become available I will be republishing my revised book: God’s Healing for Hurting People.

Pastors across the nation call me and refer their church people to me for confidential counseling.

Special ministry for pastors: Off-campus counselor available to Pastors for consultation for helping their people for a low monthly retainer fee.

I also teach for churches through Skype. I taught for a church in Sweden – 4 sessions in 4 weeks. I do marriage seminars on Skype, etc. The Skype teaching saves the church travel and housing expense for my ministry – they only give an honorarium offering for my teaching. As my mission statement above – I love teaching God’s Word for spiritual, emotional and relational growth.

Since God moved us to Mississippi, Superintendent David Tipton, Jr., has referred my ministry to pastors and lay people. He is very supportive to my ministry within the district.

I give God all the glory for this unique ministry He has equipped me to do. It is so rewarding to see God’s truth bring hope and healing into the hearts of hurting (but saved) people through teaching, counseling and writing. My husband, Rev. Harold Clemans, is a witness to the heartbeat of this ministry.

By request of Linda Gleason with the UPCI Ladies Ministries, I write on a monthly basis for www.ladiesministries.org – HOPE section on divorce recovery issues.

www.carolclemans.org – Call (636) 448-0121 to schedule speaking or counseling.

(c) Carol Clemans – October 2015





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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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