Nationwide counseling by phone & teaching for churches/conferences!



As president of Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3), Certified Pastoral Counselor, Certified Christian Life Coach, an anointed Bible teacher, I’m sharing the blessings of the ministry that God has equipped me to do –

God has blessed my nationwide ministry of teaching and abundantly expanded and blessed the unique opportunity to provide counseling nationwide by phone/Skype – (636) 448-0121.

The pastors and lay people I provide counseling for are thankful to find someone who counsels from a God-base who has the Holy Ghost. I highly respect confidentiality in the counseling ministry.

I love teaching God’s Word for spiritual, emotional and relational growth for churches and conferences.

Every counselor has a different effectiveness because of their life’s history. Here is mine – you can read additional details on

Walking with God in the Holy Ghost for 60 years.
Teaching from the Word of God for 50 years.
After formal counseling education, counseling for 23 years.
Married to Rev. Harold Clemans for 45 years.
Raised two children who love God today and have three grandchildren.

My first 10 years of counseling was for Pastor Kenneth Haney at Christian Life Center and taught six years at Christian Life College in Stockton, CA under Dr. Daniel Segraves.

My life’s experiences (including being raised by my father – received Holy Ghost in 1925 – pastor/Eschatology theologian – who instilled the love for the Word of God in my heart) gives me a unique depth of experience through God’s wisdom to effectively be a conduit for God’s truth in teaching and counseling.

We are praying for God to expand the ministry to touch more lives with His healing truth! Our churches are full of hurting people.

I posted an article from “afaJournal” last evening on my FB pages regarding porn addiction – “50% of pastors and men who attend church view porn.” That creates hurting marriages and broken relationships with God. I provide confidential counseling for porn recovery by phone (636) 448-0121.

One in three women and one in four men are sexual abuse victims. God has answers for healing these deep wounds. I counsel and teach seminars for healing for damaged emotions through God’s Word.

My book: GOD’S DESIGN FOR MARRIAGE was birthed from years of teaching marriage seminars, parenting, sexual purity,etc.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of issues that people deal with in the church even though they are baptized in the Holy Ghost. Satan robs their joy because of painful problems in their lives. God desires for them to be set free and that only happens by “being transformed by renewing their minds” with the power of God’s truth! (Roms. 12: 1&2).

Teaching and counseling God’s truth is a fire within me and I will be doing it until Jesus comes or He takes me to Him. Pastors, if you desire this type of ministry to help your church, please call me – (636) 448-0121 – email:

Pastor Daniel Batchelor of Dupo, IL, is on my Board of Directors with LEM, INC. Please contact him for character reference. You may also contact Supt. David Tipton, Jr. of Mississippi. (I will give you their contact info).

My delight in God is teaching, counseling and writing His truth for His Glory! The Lord has allowed me to be a conduit of His truth to thousands of people in my 50 years of ministry. TO GOD BE HE GLORY!

Facebook: Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3) & Carol Theobald Clemans

Twitter & Periscope: Carol P Clemans

IBC Perspectives: Write monthly article on page 16. – write for HOPE section.


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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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