Sharing Thoughts This Holiday Season

Holidays can be one of the saddest times of the year for many. In the past two weeks there have been several postings on facebook of family illnesses and deaths. Because of many reasons, people’s sadness and grief seem to be felt at a deeper level in the holidays.

Since my father went to the Lord 19 1/2 years ago, life and holidays have never been the same. My mother flew to glory 7 years ago. This last August, my only brother left his earthly home. Yes, they are with God in an out of body presence with the Lord and that is wonderful for them, but I miss them all.

I can’t talk to Daddy anymore about God’s Word and hear his wisdom and enjoy his humor. I remember hearing Mother’s prayers growing up and they continued. My brother, David – 11 years my senior, I miss our phone calls and knowing he was just a call away.

With several God-moves in our lives, we have lived in places we’ve never dreamed – enjoyable and not so enjoyable. Our daughter’s family is close, but our son’s family is 2,000 miles away. Thank God for iPhones and Skype. Our long time friends live many miles away. Life is not what we expected at this time in our lives except knowing we are in the middle of God’s will for my ministry. My ministry of teaching, nationwide counseling and writing is my delight, joy and peace from the Lord.

The point of these thoughts is that holidays can be painfully emotional for those around us. The comfort from God is my knowing that He is in complete control of all that is happening in our lives. He works in our lives through circumstances. He can bring good things out of heartaches.

God says to set our affections on things above and not on things on the earth. Earthy things will vanish, but our hope and the reality of eternal life will never fade away. Sharing our love and prayers with others is one thing we can do for those who are hurting. Look around and find someone you can bless with a visit, a call and your prayers.

God came to earth in flesh and became a servant to all. He was willing to sacrifice His life so that we could have an intimate relationship with Him now and the excitement of ruling and reigning with Him forever over the new heaven and new earth. With this heavenly perspective, earthly issues lose their hold on us.

Even if we live to 100 (my Mother made it to her 93rd year), nothing compares to keeping our heavenly vision of eternity in the forethought of our hearts and minds. At 68 years old, life has flashed by speedily even though I do not feel 68!

I pray all of us will be more sensitive to others. Not everyone is living in a ‘picture perfect’ world. Not everyone has a big family and life-long friends close by. The world will know us by our love one for another! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you now and all year!

(c) Carol Clemans – December 2014

NOTE: I delight in teaching God’s truth for churches/conferences. As a Certified Pastoral Counselor, it’s my joy to provide nationwide counseling by phone/Skype – (636) 448-0121. Go to: for bio, 100+ articles, teaching CD’s & DVD’s, book: “God’s Design for Marriage.”

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Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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