Porn addiction creates hypocrisy in the church!
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) I PRAY THAT THE CHURCH WAKES UP! (‘m speaking from a God-counselor heart). People who continually use pornography even
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) I PRAY THAT THE CHURCH WAKES UP! (‘m speaking from a God-counselor heart). People who continually use pornography even
God so loved the world that He came in flesh (God was manifest in the flesh) to die on Calvary to redeem us to Himself.
God says, “Be ye holy for I am holy!” Many Spirit-filled people do not understand what it means to live a holy life. In my
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) DO YOU HAVE A DAILY DIALOGUE WITH GOD? Live in a God-conscious state of mind – pass every thought through
Jeremiah 17:10 (NLT) 10 “But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) 1 Cor. 13: 4 – 7 gives us the character of God – God is love! We need to insert
LIVE TEACHING WORLD WIDE through the new app by Twitter called Periscope. I have a Twitter account (Carol P Clemans) that I use to post
Recent articles were published in several news outlets on a survey done about the millennia’s of America – 22.8% are not associated with anything religious
God desires for all of us to walk in the Spirit. In my teaching, counseling and writing, I am responsible to God as I am
Every time I read the Word of God, it quickens in my spirit! I love His Word! It’s a lamp to my feet and a