MOTHER’S DAY THOUGHTS Proverbs 11:16 A gracious woman retains honor! Define: God’s gracious intervention: merciful, compassionate, kind; forgiving, lenient, clement, forbearing, humane, tenderhearted, sympathetic; indulgent,
You are God’s Special Treasure! Are you battling with the feeling that somehow you do not measure up to someone’s expectations? People from the platform
Proverbs 17:22″A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” NOTE: This scripture helps us understand that our mind does
On AFR this week one program focused on porn addiction. Seven issues came out of it: Porn addiction is sin. For a married person, using
Unforgiveness robs our joy! Forgiving those that bring us physical, emotional or spiritual pain seems to be one of the hardest spiritual disciplines. If the
God, our great Creator and Savior, knows the power of thoughts and words. We function by thoughts that create our feelings and then we usually
What way are you on? Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life! Within the Body of