God has answers for hurting hearts!
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) Carol P Clemans – Bible teacher 50 yrs, Certified Pastoral Counselor 24 yrs, Certified Christian Life Coach, Certified Sexual Addiction
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) Carol P Clemans – Bible teacher 50 yrs, Certified Pastoral Counselor 24 yrs, Certified Christian Life Coach, Certified Sexual Addiction
Solomon was Wise in the Beginning, but Extremely Unwise in the End (What will the end of your story be? Will sexual sins/addictions destroy you?)
Guest article – everyone needs to read this – especially parents!!!! This post comes from an article originally posted by Collective Shout – fightthenewdrug.org SEX BEFORE KISSING
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org MEDIA ADDICTION FOR YOUTH! Just listening to a radio program (AFR) regarding youth being addicted to social media. Some
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org God’s heartbeat is desiring for us to worship Him hour by hour in our lives. True worship is not
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org PASTORS – CHURCHES!!! WAKE UP TO THE SEXUAL SINS WITHIN THE BODY OF CHRIST! I provide God-based nationwide confidential
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org Providing crisis counseling by phone to west coast helping others until 1 AM this morning! When we are willing
Not being able to comprehend God’s unconditional love is a major issue with anyone who has emotional wounds from the painful experiences in life. Salvation
It has been over 2,000 years since the Day of Pentecost. It was the birth of the New Testament church. As we read the letters
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org I PRAY THAT THE CHURCH WAKES UP! (‘m speaking from a God-counselor heart). People who continually use pornography even