Ingest God’s Word for Healing and Growth in Him!
GOD’S WORD IS POWERFUL James 1:21 Phillips Have done, then, with impurity and every other evil which touches the lives of others, and humbly accept
GOD’S WORD IS POWERFUL James 1:21 Phillips Have done, then, with impurity and every other evil which touches the lives of others, and humbly accept
Anxiety is a tool of Satan. His goal is to get our eyes off of God and on our circumstances of life. Anxiety is defined
Guest article – everyone needs to read this – especially parents!!!! This post comes from an article originally posted by Collective Shout – fightthenewdrug.org SEX BEFORE KISSING
Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc. (501c3) is promoted through my website: www.carolclemans.org. When I feel inspired from God to write an article, I first post it
God’s heart’s desire is to have an intimate relationship with His Bride as individuals. He knows our thoughts before we think them. God desires for
The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit! My challenge to everyone I minister to through teaching, counseling or writing is that we
A major misconception that many can have is that the experience of salvation should erase all emotional pain from the past or we automatically have
The lust the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life are destroying marriages and ministries. In 24 years as a certified
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org MEDIA ADDICTION FOR YOUTH! Just listening to a radio program (AFR) regarding youth being addicted to social media. Some
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org God’s heartbeat is desiring for us to worship Him hour by hour in our lives. True worship is not