We will not escape the consequences of our choices!


Our choices today always produce consequences for tomorrow. People who choose to live their lives outside of God’s morals are on the broad road that leads to destruction. It might feel good now, but the end will be painful.

There is pleasure in sin for a season, but seasons always come to an end!!!!!!

What does it profit a man/woman if they gain the whole world, but lose his/her own soul??????? An eternity of suffering!!!!!!!!

I counsel people nationwide by phone/Skype Mondays – Thursdays. Most people who contact me are believers in God. Some seek counsel because of abusive evil things that we were done to them. Others seek counsel because of choices they have made that created negative consequences in their lives.

My heart aches often when  I witness the truth – “when we know to do good and we doeth it not, it is a sin unto us.” It’s the age-old battle of the fleshly desires winning the battle in the spiritual war. It’s always about choice. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life begat pain and heartache in the long-haul of life.

Jesus asks us to “take up our cross and follow Him.” He shared, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Our cross may be denying the flesh when it comes to God’s moral laws. His Word does tell us that the broad way leads to destruction and many are going that way. The narrow way leads to life and few there be that find it.

Is a little sinful physical pleasure worth losing one’s soul? Even if you would live to 100, that is just a small drop of dew compared to an eternity of suffering that will never end. God is not sending anyone to hell.  Our choices make that decision for us. The reason the devil is so angry in these last days is because he knows his doom is approaching and he desires to deceive everyone so he will have a host of people suffering in hell with him because of their choices.


Heaven is beyond description. We, God’s Bride, will be ruling and reigning with Him over the new heaven and new earth that He will renovate with fire and re-create for His glory for us to share forever!

I’m walking on the narrow road by choice. Nothing is more joyful and fulfilling deep in my soul than to know my Creator became my Savior and purchased me with His own blood – I love Him because He first love me!!

From the heart of a God-follower who teaches, counsels, and writes God’s truth!

www.carolclemans.org – anointed Bible teacher 50 years, Holy Ghost controlled 60 years, Certified Pastoral Counselor 23 years, Godly marriage 45 years, teaching for churches/conferences.

NATIONWIDE CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELING provided by phone/Skype. Call (636) 448-0121 to schedule speaking or counseling – www.carolclemans.org – bio, 216+ articles, teaching CD’s, DVD’s, book: GOD’S DESIGN FOR MARRIAGE.

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About Me

Carol Clemans is a Certified Pastoral Counselor (27 years), Bible conference speaker, Christian Life Coach and author. She provides counseling nationwide by phone/web cam. The mission for Carol’s teaching, counseling and writing is to help others grow and heal spiritually, emotionally and relationally.

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