Every porn-addicted husband is impacting his wife and children with his adulterous sin. The fallout of porn addiction is extremely destructive to a marriage relationship
Unforgiveness robs our joy! Forgiving those that bring us physical, emotional or spiritual pain seems to be one of the hardest spiritual disciplines. If the
FROM THE HEART OF THIS COUNSELOR: Subject: Painful parenting creates deeply wounded hearts! In my counseling nationwide young and older, one dominant issue is the
God has answers for depression! Depression – feelings of severe despondency and dejection: self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression. A mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection,
God, our great Creator and Savior, knows the power of thoughts and words. We function by thoughts that create our feelings and then we usually
I belong to a group that asked this question: What makes your ‘business’ better than others? Here’s my answer: Carol P Clemans from LIFE ENRICHMENT
“COME QUICKLY, LORD JESUS!” Have you been baptized in Jesus name? Have you received the gift of the Holy Ghost? We must be born again
What way are you on? Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life! Within the Body of