Get rid of toxic thoughts!
Toxic thoughts destroy the physical brain and affects the body, soul and spirit. The main weapon of Satan is planting toxic thoughts into the hearts
Toxic thoughts destroy the physical brain and affects the body, soul and spirit. The main weapon of Satan is planting toxic thoughts into the hearts
As I counsel nationwide by phone/Skype, I find that abuse (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual) exists in some marriages and families that attend churches. This should
As I counsel nationwide by phone/Skype, I find that abuse (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual) exists in some marriages and families that attend churches. This should
Many people who call me nationwide for counseling by phone/Skype are hurting because of pretentiousness and hypocrisy. Being pretentious is attempting to impress by greater
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) – – (636) 448-0121 Carol P. Clemans, Certified Pastoral Counselor & Bible Teacher PASTORS: Please go to my
Our liberal government leaders are consumed with new restroom mandates allowing men in women’s facilities. This is one of the most debased arguments we could
Our liberal government leaders are consumed with new restroom mandates allowing men in women’s facilities. This is one of the most debased arguments we could
My Pentecostal heritage is a gift from God. It is available to whosoever will. I’m sharing my story to give people hope in a life-changing
Listening today to American Family Radio – “Understanding the Times Radio.” The guest was Dr. Ron Rhodes and he stated that three out of four
As Mother’s Day approaches, I give honor to all mothers who are God-loving, caring, kind and doing all within their power to be a positive