God plus marriage commitment equals joy!
“Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage!” This is one phrase out of an old love song from years ago. I must
“Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage!” This is one phrase out of an old love song from years ago. I must
ATTENTION: PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS!!! I have great concern that the children we take to church on a regular basis are not learning God’s truth at
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org HUSBANDS/FATHERS: I must share the heart of this counselor! We need husbands/fathers to be God-followers in the home saying
Go to You Tube – Carol Clemans channel – and watch new teaching videos. My heartbeat is sharing God’s truth to hungry hearts through teaching,
Being in ministry full time has a multitude of responsibilities for a man or a woman. We must have a deep understanding and knowledge of
LIFE ENRICHMENT MINISTRIES, INC. (501c3) www.carolclemans.org I’m praying a special prayer for over 10,000 viewers of my five recent teaching videos posted on FB and
In the natural, what we feed self is what we will become. In the spiritual, what we feed self is what we will become. Emotionally,
I posted today a new video of my teaching “Walking with God” on Youtube channel – Carol Clemans. I reposted the video on my FB
As I counsel nationwide by phone/Skype, I find that abuse (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual) exists in some marriages and families that attend churches. This should
In 2014, people drove vehicles that are lethal weapons and caused accidents that resulted in the deaths of 32,675 people!!!! (nhtsa.gov). A vehicle that is